Canadian Non-Passenger
Home Up Canadian Passenger Canadian Non-Passenger Canadian Pre-Prov/City Canadian Plate History


ALTA 13D.gif (13749 bytes)1913 Alberta Dealer.  Although there are undoubtedly others out there, this is the only example of a 1913 Dealer plate I have seen with porcelain numbers (as opposed to a blank porcelain base with the letter "D" and the numbers painted on).


BC 13MC.gif (16774 bytes)1913 British Columbia Motorcycle (First Issue).



BC 14MC.gif (14678 bytes)1914 British Columbia Motorcycle.



BC 21MC.gif (23866 bytes)1921 British Columbia Motorcycle.



MAN 14MC.gif (15673 bytes)1914 Manitoba Motorcycle.  Unlike the passenger plate in 1914, the motorcycle does not have the provincial crest on it.


NB 17D.gif (21826 bytes) Undated (1917) New Brunswick Dealer.



NB 21C.gif (15932 bytes)1921 New Brunswick Commercial.



NF 38MC.gif (20791 bytes)1938 Newfoundland Motorcycle.



PEI 39MC.gif (27491 bytes)1939 Prince Edward Island Motorcycle.  I believe this is the earliest known P.E.I. motorcycle plate.



SASK 13G.gif (11623 bytes)1913 Saskatchewan Garage (Dealer).



SASK 13L.gif (12116 bytes)1913 Saskatchewan Livery.



SASK 13MC.gif (11969 bytes)1913 Saskatchewan Motorcycle.  Note that of all the various types of porcelain plates which exist from 1912-1914, the motorcycles are the only ones which display the provincial crest.


SASK 14Ggif.gif (13004 bytes)1914 Saskatchewan Garage (Dealer).



SASK 15L.gif (15363 bytes)1915 Saskatchewan Livery.



SASK 21D.gif (18051 bytes)1921 Saskatchewan Dealer.  While the passenger plates from 1919 to 1922 in Saskatchewan were porcelain, the non-passengers were not.  This flat metal plate is the reverse colors of the tab that was used on the porcelain plates in 1921.